Buck and gag definition
Buck and gag definition

buck and gag definition

A drag-buck used on rougher ground is similar but without the wheels. It consists of a coarse rake or cradle with horizontal teeth, supported at the two ends by wheels and propelled by horses at the rear. In football, to charge into (the line of opponents) with the ball.Īn apparatus used in the northwestern United States for gathering hay from the swath and transferring it directly to the foot of the stack. In straight poker, since the winner of the pool always deals, the buck is passed round to mark whose turn it is to ante for all the players. In poker, any article placed in the pool with the chips, to be taken down by the winner, indicating that when he deals it shall be a jack-pot. To attempt to control (a bucking or obstreperous beast or a difficult affair or proposition): used only in the phrase to buck the tiger. To cut to a proper shape for a barrel-stave. To bring or carry: as, to buck water or wood. Also called buckpot.Ī hollow sound which a stone makes when thrown into the water from a height.Ī kind of minute fungus (as supposed) infesting ill-kept dairies. The beech: a dialectal word used in literary English only in the compounds buck-mast and buckwheat also in dialectal buck-log.Īn earthenware pot made of clay found in some parts of British Guiana. Specifically- A frame composed of two X-shaped ends joined at the middle by, on which to saw wood for fuel. The tool with which this is done is called a bucking-iron, and the support on which the ore is placed to be thus treated a bucking-plate.Ī frame. In mining and ore-dressing, to break into small pieces for jigging. The cloth or clothes soaked or washed in lye or suds a wash. Lye in which clothes are soaked in the operation of bleaching the liquor in which clothes are washed. To soak or steep (clothes) in lye, as in bleaching wash in lye or suds clean by washing and beating with a bat. To throw, or attempt to throw (a rider), by bucking: as, the bronco bucked him off.Ī violent effort of a horse or mule to rid itself of its rider or burden the act of bucking. To punish by tying the wrists together, passing the arms over the bent knees, and putting a stick across the arms and in the angle formed by the knees. To “kick” make obstinate resistance or objection: as, to buck at improvements. To make a violent effort to throw off a rider or pack, by means of rapid plunging jumps performed by springing into the air, arching the back, and coming down with the fore legs perfectly stiff, the head being commonly held as low as possible: said of a horse or a mule.

buck and gag definition

To butt: a sense referred also to buck 4 (which see).

buck and gag definition

The male of the deer, the antelope, the rabbit, or the hare: often used specifically of the male of the fallow-deer a roebuck.Ī gay or fashionable man a fop a blood a dandy. To wash (clothes) in lye or suds, or, in later usage, by beating them on stones in running water. (Mil) To subject to a mode of punishment which consists in tying the wrists together, passing the arms over the bent knees, and putting a stick across the arms and in the angle formed by the knees. To spring with quick plunging leaps, descending with the fore legs rigid and the head held as low down as possible - said of a vicious horse or mule. To soak, steep, or boil, in lye or suds - a process in bleaching. (Mining) To break up or pulverize, as ores. The male of deer, especially fallow deer and antelopes, or of goats, sheep, hares, and rabbits. Lye or suds in which cloth is soaked in the operation of bleaching, or in which clothes are washed. A frame on which firewood is sawed a sawhorse a sawbuck.Ī gay, dashing young fellow a fop a dandy.

Buck and gag definition